The Wishing Corner Florist
The Wishing Corner Florist
611 Magnolia St.
Gridley, CA 95948
(530) 846-0869
(877) 846-0869
No matter what the occasion, The Wishing Corner Florist, your local Gridley florist, is your one-stop shop for all your floral needs. Browse our wide online selection or call us for a custom bouquet to fit your needs and budget. We deliver flowers and gift baskets to Gridley and nationwide through our network of dependable florists. In a rush? Same day flower delivery is available at no additional cost. The professional staff at The Wishing Corner Florist is dedicated to handling your order with care.
Few gifts create an impression like fresh, colorful flowers. Make your next occasion one to remember with a gift from The Wishing Corner Florist. From lavish anniversary flowers to heartfelt sympathy flower arrangements, The Wishing Corner Florist is the florist in Gridley to call when you want something special. Allow us to be your flower source for Mother's Day flowers, Valentine's Day flowers, or any other holiday. For the most elegant flowers in Gridley CA including get well flowers and birthday flowers, call The Wishing Corner Florist.
Fresh flowers in Gridley are just a call or click away! View our assortment of gifts and floral arrangements online then place your order through our website at any time. You can also call us directly. The Wishing Corner Florist has a wide variety of items to choose from, and if you don’t find what you’re looking for, our florists in Gridley can create a unique arrangement just for you. The Wishing Corner Florist delivers beautiful flowers in Gridley and nearby communities as well as nationwide.
Quality Flowers from Gridley Flower Shop – The Wishing Corner Florist
The staff at The Wishing Corner Florist takes great pride in creating beautiful arrangements using only the freshest flowers in Gridley. Our store also provides an ample selection of plants and gift baskets for all occasions. When you order from The Wishing Corner Florist, you can be sure to receive a hand-arranged floral bouquet delivered with care. Your special occasions deserve nothing less than a brilliant arrangement from one of the leading flower shops in Gridley CA.
When you order online, you sometimes don’t know what you’re going to get. Some floral sites ship flowers from massive warehouses, so your recipients receive a cardboard box with uncut flowers on their doorstep. Not so with The Wishing Corner Florist. We’re an actual florist in Gridley, staffed by people whose goal is to satisfy our customers. When you order through our secure website, you’re sure to get artistically hand-arranged, hand-delivered fresh flowers in Gridley and nationwide. Why risk sending something your loved ones have to unpack and arrange themselves when you can send an abundant arrangement from The Wishing Corner Florist?
