Corning Florist
Corning Florist
1124 Soland Street
Corning, CA 96021
(530) 824-4311
When you need flower delivery to Corning, Corning Florist is here for you. We have an expansive array of flowers, plants and gifts to suit any occasion, and our experienced staff can work with you to create a one-of-a-kind gift you’re sure to love. Corning Florist is a member of a nationwide network of trusted florists and can help you send a thoughtful gift across the country when you can’t be there yourself. Same day flower delivery is offered at no additional charge; just another reason Corning Florist is one of the top florists in Corning.
Bring a smile to their faces with a bouquet of fresh get well flowers! Corning Florist features floral arrangements and gift baskets for every occasion. Valentine's Day flowers, Mother's Day flowers, birthday flowers, you name it -- Corning Florist, one of the leading flower shops in Corning, has just the bouquet you are looking for. You can count on Corning Florist to deliver gift baskets, stunning anniversary flowers, or even sympathy funeral flowers in Corning CA.
Sending flowers with Corning Florist, your trusted Corning florist, is as easy as 1-2-3. Simply look through the wide assortment of bouquets on our website to find the right flower arrangement for your occasion. Consider adding a special touch by including a box of chocolates with your flowers. Shop with confidence using our secure site, or call our shop to speak with one of our floral designers. When you need the freshest flowers in Corning or need to send a bouquet anywhere nationwide, you can rely on Corning Florist.
Send Exquisite Flowers in Corning from Corning Florist
At Corning Florist, we take pride in delivering the freshest floral arrangements, plants and gift baskets to our customers. All flower arrangements from Corning Florist, your local Corning CA florist, are artistically arranged in a vase and hand-delivered to the recipient. We use only the highest quality flowers in Corning to ensure your loved ones receive the very best.
Some sites send flowers from a warehouse, uncut and unarranged in a plain brown box. When you order flowers from Corning Florist, you can be confident that you’re receiving a professionally arranged, hand-delivered gift. We’re one of the most trusted florists in Corning and our staff works hard to make sure every arrangement that goes out the door is the best it can be. Our customers are our first priority whether you’re purchasing flowers in Corning or for delivery across the country.
