Barons Orchids
Barons Orchids
465 Harbor St
Morro Bay, CA 93442
Welcome to Baron's Orchids, where you can shop for orchids, cut flowers, and more. We welcome retail and wholesale customers alike and look forward to making your shopping experience a pleasant one.
Prices and availability lists will be updated weekly to keep our customers apprised of new items and special sales. We will ship plants individually, or in bulk. Barons’s offers a variety of shipping options to fit every customers need, including Fed-Ex,UPS, Post Office, Rail and Air.
Baron’s Orchids is a full service retail and wholesale orchid nursery, with 22 years of experience in the orchid business.
Aside from a large selection of blooming plants, cut orchid stems and bouquets, we carry many hard-to-fine items and rare species plants.
We also offer packages for wedding and parties, and specialty items such as Hawaiian Leis, seasonal arrangements and custom arrangements.
Our main objective is to provide our customers with top-quality plants and flowers, and to help them find specialty items and species.
Our staff will also help customers select plants which are suited to their growing environment and to provide information and growing instructions, to help insure success with their plants